February 08, 2009

Light and shadow

Light and shadow
Originally uploaded by taikasatama

A light and shadow themed booklet. I worked on this for about a month, a couple of minutes at a time. It started with the idea of something black against something almost white and sort of grew from that. The texture is completely missing from the picture, though: the black part was drawn and then cut out of thick watercolour paper so it's a bit raised.

I also used a knife with a rotating blade for the first time with this! I normally don't like to cut out ornaments or anything because I am really bad at working with a blade, but the rotating one was just perfect! It didn't feel like I was cutting it, it was more like sculpting paper.

On other news, I finally put up my first pattern on Ravelry. It's called Flourishing mittens and you can find it there for free. I'd like to put it somewhere where non-Ravelry folks could find it too, but I haven't found a good pdf hosting site just yet. It was also received quite well, which was a nice surprise, I kind of thought no one would notice.

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