September 27, 2009


Originally uploaded by taikasatama

I finished my light shawl. Knit with Wollmeise Sonne, and there was no chance of me capturing the brightness of the colours. The oranges are almost neon, veyr bright, and the whole shawl is just glowing.

This was also the first time I blocked Wollmeise - it was a pleasant surprise. The yarn relaxes so much when wet and even though it doesn't block as easily as lace yarns, blocking was still quite effortless. Good to know, with me having both Aeolian and a pooling lace scarf on the way at the moment with WM.

I've been on a finishing old things kick. I finally bind off the Natalyas I started for a friend last winter - I guess they'll me ready for this one:)

I'm also going to start making socks for Joulusukat project. It collects socks to be send to hospital and elderly care patients in Kuopio area. Sort of a Christmas gift. I knit quickly and have lots of letover yarns, so I'll be trying to knit something special for each pair.

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