June 28, 2009


Originally uploaded by taikasatama

It was a sunny weekend. I'm also having troubles getting the pattern for this scarf up before the end of June. I can get the knitting done and I have all the written parts ready but oh, the charts! I've never done charts on computer and I am kind of wondering which way to take - make a grid in photoshop and then add knitting symbols font on it? Or just use excel, add the symbols on cells and then make all cells even squares? Decisions, decisions!

I did take a bunch of closeups on the sunny evenings this weekend so I have at least some photos done. Still, it'll be hours and hours before I can have anything done.

In conclusion: I am finally working on this pattern again. And in an unrelated matter, I have a skein of Wollmeise's sock yarn coming to me! I never knew it was actually possible to get it! Part of me hopes that I won't get too excited about the yarn because it's so difficult to obtain, but for what I've read in other people's comments, the yarn looks just as great irl as it does on the photos.

Such lovely colours also always make me dream of learning to dye. I'd have so many great colour combinations and shades in mind already... but I'm fighting the urge! At least until I have my own house..:D Which is most likely never.

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